Glockenbrot Bäckerei GmbH & Co. oHG, Germany

With an annual turnover of about € 160 million, the Glocken Bakery, an affiliate of the REWE Group, is one of Germany's most important bakeries. At its head office in Frankfurt the entire production process has been consistently automated with the Plant iT automation system.
In close cooperation with Glocken's in-house specialists the recipe interfaces and control parameters have been standardized along with the implementation of significantly improved diagnostic options.
Moreover, thanks to Plant iT, these plants are integrated even more efficiently into the REWE ERP system and thus provide for smooth order input. At the same time, a new standard has been set for reporting and IFS (International Food Standards) traceability.
At the core of this automation solution is the Batch iT module which has been specifically designed for recipe controlled processes and now manages at Glockenbrot more than 250 different recipes and 200 raw materials. The automation of the operating, supervision and visualization is realized with Plant Direct iT, the Plant iT connect communication interface serves for the connection to the REWE-ERP-system.