Success Stories

Glockenbrot Bäckerei - More transparency – greater efficiency

Whether it`s MES (Manufacturing Execution System), maintenance or energy management: the more differentiated the data that is determined, the more precise are the decisions that can be made based on this data. This is exemplified by the expanded use of ProLeiT´s Plant iT software in the Glockenbrot Bakery in Frankfurt.

The Glockenbrot Bakery, which belongs to the REWE Group, supplies 1350 REWE markets and 900 Penny branches. In the Frankfurt area alone, 144 Market Baker branches (checkout area shops in REWE markets) are supplied with in-house products. Glockenbrot runs ten baking lines in the Frankfurt production unit, the biggest REWE Group`s three in-house production facilities. A decision was taken in 2008 to modernize the control of the raw materials supply system. The aim of this was to integrate the production processes that were involved and to bring their technical performance up to current standards, and to achieve it all while operations were ongoing – which was unavoidable in view of the high capacity utilization throughout the baked goods production unit.